Utilisatrice:Craftjenn/Tests : Différence entre versions

De EncyclopAtys

m (signatures)
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
3  <nowiki>~~~</nowiki> CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati ([https://chat.ryzom.com/direct/Craftjenn sur RC])
3  <nowiki>~~~</nowiki> '''donne''' CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati ([https://chat.ryzom.com/direct/Craftjenn sur RC])
5 <nowiki>~~~~~</nowiki> 16 mars 2020 à 21:56 (CET)
5 <nowiki>~~~~~</nowiki> '''donne''' 16 mars 2020 à 21:56 (CET)
<nowiki>--~~~</nowiki> --CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati ([https://chat.ryzom.com/direct/Craftjenn sur RC])
<nowiki>--~~~</nowiki>'''donne''' --CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati ([https://chat.ryzom.com/direct/Craftjenn sur RC])
<nowiki>--~~~~~</nowiki> --16 mars 2020 à 21:56 (CET)
<nowiki>--~~~~~</nowiki>'''donne''' --16 mars 2020 à 21:56 (CET)
<nowiki>--~~~  ~~~~~</nowiki>  --CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati ([https://chat.ryzom.com/direct/Craftjenn sur RC])  16 mars 2020 à 21:56 (CET)
<nowiki>--~~~  ~~~~~</nowiki>'''donne''' --CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati ([https://chat.ryzom.com/direct/Craftjenn sur RC])  16 mars 2020 à 21:56 (CET)
<nowiki>--~~~~</nowiki> --CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati ([https://chat.ryzom.com/direct/Craftjenn sur RC]) 16 mars 2020 à 21:57 (CET)
<nowiki>--~~~~</nowiki> '''donne'' --CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati ([https://chat.ryzom.com/direct/Craftjenn sur RC]) 16 mars 2020 à 21:57 (CET)
== tests IG==
== tests IG==

Version actuelle datée du 16 mars 2020 à 21:58


3 ~~~ donne CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati (sur RC)

5 ~~~~~ donne 16 mars 2020 à 21:56 (CET)

--~~~donne --CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati (sur RC)

--~~~~~donne --16 mars 2020 à 21:56 (CET)

--~~~ ~~~~~donne --CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati (sur RC) 16 mars 2020 à 21:56 (CET)

--~~~~ 'donne --CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati (sur RC) 16 mars 2020 à 21:57 (CET)

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Kategorie:Portal Category:Portals Categoría:Portales Catégorie:Portails‎ Категория:Портал 2
Kategorie:Ryzom, das Spiel Category:Ryzom, the game Categoría:Ryzom, el juego Catégorie:Ryzom, le jeu Категория:Ryzom, the game 2
Vorlage:Portal Ryzom Template:Portal Ryzom Plantilla:Portal Ryzom Modèle:Portail Ryzom Шаблон:Портал Ryzom T
Portal:Spiel Portal:Game Portal:Juego Portail:Jeu Портал:Гейм P
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Portal:Spiel/Gameplay Portal:Game/Gameplay Portal:Juego/Gameplay Portail:Jeu/Gameplay Портал:Гейм/Gameplay P
Kategorie:Kampf Category:Fight Categoría:Combate Catégorie:Combat Категория:Бороться 4
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Portal:Kampf Portal:Fight Portal:Combate Portail:Combat Портал:Бороться P
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Portal:Magie Portal:Magic Portal:Magia Portail:Magie Портал:Мэги P
Kategorie:Handwerk Category:Craft Categoría:Craft Catégorie:Craft Категория:Pемесленничество 4
Vorlage:Portal Handwerk Template:Portal Craft Plantilla:Portal Craft Modèle:Portail Craft Шаблон:Портал Pемесленничество T
Portal:Handwerk Portal:Craft Portal:Craft Portail:Craft Портал:Pемесленничество P
Kategorie:Ernte Category:Harvest Categoría:Cosecha Catégorie:Forage Категория:Бурение 4
Vorlage:Portal Ernte Template:Portal Harvest Plantilla:Portal Cosecha Modèle:Portail Forage Шаблон:Портал Бурение T
Portal:Ernte Portal:Harvest Portal:Cosecha Portail:Forage Портал:Бурение P
Kategorie:Rollenspiel Category:Roleplay Categoría:Roleplay Catégorie:Roleplay Категория:Ролевая 3
Vorlage:Portal Roleplay Template:Portal Roleplay Plantilla:Portal Roleplay Modèle:Portail Roleplay Шаблон:Портал Ролевая T
Portal:Spiel/Roleplay Portal:Game/Roleplay Portal:Juego/Roleplay Portail:Jeu/Roleplay Портал:Гейм/Roleplay P
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Portal:Spiel/Community Portal:Game/Community Portal:Juego/Comunidad Portail:Jeu/Communauté Портал:Гейм/Сообщество P
Kategorie:Kleines Glossar Category:Glossary Categoría:Pequeño Glosario Catégorie:Petit lexique Категория:Небольшой глоссарий 3
Vorlage:Portal Glossar Template:Portal Glossary Plantilla:Portal Glosario Modèle:Portail Glossaire Шаблон:Портал Глоссарий T
Portal:Spiel/Glossar Portal:Game/Glossary Portal:Juego/Glosario Portail:Jeu/Glossaire Портал:Гейм/Глоссарий P
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Vorlage:Portal Animation Template:Portal Animation Plantilla:Portal Animation Modèle:Portail Animation Шаблон:Портал Oдушевление T
Portal:Spiel/Animation Portal:Game/Animation Portal:Juego/Animación Portail:Jeu/Animation Портал:Гейм/Oдушевление P
Kategorie:Atys‎ Category:Atys‎ Categoría:Atys‎ Catégorie:Atys‎ Категория:Атис‎ 2
Vorlage:Portal Atys‎ Template:Portal Atys‎ Plantilla:Portal Atys‎ Modèle:Portail Atys‎ Шаблон:Портал Атис T
Portal:Atys‎ Portal:Atys‎ Portal:Atys‎ Portail:Atys‎ Портал:Атис P
Kategorie:Geographie Category:Geography Categoría:Geografía Catégorie:Géographie Категория:География 4
Vorlage:Portal Planeten Template:Portal Planet Plantilla:Portal Planeta Modèle:Portail Planète Шаблон:Портал Планета T
Portal:Atys/Planeten Portal:Atys/Planet Portal:Atys/Planeta Portail:Atys/Planète Портал:Атис/Планета P
Kategorie:Bewohner Category:Inhabitants Categoría:Habitantes Catégorie:Habitants Категория:Жители 3
Vorlage:Portal Atys‎
Vorlage:Portal Die Große Bibliothek‎
Template:Portal Atys‎
Template:Portal The Great Library‎
Plantilla:Portal Atys‎
Plantilla:Portal La Gran Biblioteca
Modèle:Portail Atys‎
Modèle:Portail La Grande Bibliothèque
Шаблон:Портал Атис
Шаблон:Портал Великая Библиотека
Kategorie:Flora Category:Flora Categoría:Flora Catégorie:Flore Категория:Флора 4
Vorlage:Portal Flora Template:Portal Flora Plantilla:Portal Flora Modèle:Portail Flore Шаблон:Портал Флора T
Portal:Flora Portal:Flora Portal:Flora Portail:Flore Портал:Флора P
Kategorie:Fauna Category:Fauna Categoría:Fauna Catégorie:Faune Категория:Фауна 4
Vorlage:Portal Fauna Template:Portal Fauna Plantilla:Portal Fauna Modèle:Portail Faune Шаблон:Портал Фауна T
Portal:Fauna Portal:Fauna Portal:Fauna Portail:Faune Портал:Фауна P
Kategorie:Die Völker von Atys Category:Peoples of Atys Categoría:Pueblos de Atys Catégorie:Les Peuples d'Atys Категория:Народы Атыса 4
Kategorie:Rassen Category:Races Categoría:Razas Catégorie:Races Категория:Расы 5
Vorlage:Portal Rassen Template:Portal Races Plantilla:Portal Razas Modèle:Portail Races Шаблон:Портал Расы T
Portal:Atys/Rassen Portal:Atys/Races Portal:Atys/Razas Portail:Atys/Races Портал:Атис/Расы P
Kategorie:Stämme Category:Tribes Categoría:Tribus Catégorie:Tribus Категория:Племен 5
Vorlage:Portal Stamm Template:Portal Tribe Plantilla:Portal Tribu Modèle:Portail Tribu Шаблон:Портал Племен T
Portal:Atys/Stämme Portal:Atys/Tribes Portal:Atys/Tribus Portail:Atys/Tribus Портал:Атис/Племен P
Kategorie:Zivilisation Category:Civilization Categoría:Civilizaciones de Atys Catégorie:Civilisations Homines Категория:Цивилизация 5
Vorlage:Portal Zivilisation Template:Portal Civilization Plantilla:Portal Civilización Modèle:Portail Civilisation Шаблон:Портал Цивилизация T
Portal:Zivilisation Portal:Civilization Portal:Civilización Portail:Civilisation Портал:Цивилизация P
Kategorie:Fyros Category:Fyros Categoría:Fyros Catégorie:Fyros Категория:Файросы 6
Vorlage:Portal Fyros Template:Portal Fyros Plantilla:Portal Fyros Modèle:Portail Fyros Шаблон:Портал Файросы T
Portal:Fyros Portal:Fyros Portal:Fyros Portail:Fyros Портал:Файросы P
Kategorie:Matis Category:Matis Categoría:Matis Catégorie:Matis Категория:Матисы 6
Vorlage:Portal Matis Template:Portal Matis Plantilla:Portal Matis Modèle:Portail Matis Шаблон:Портал Матисы T
Portal:Matis Portal:Matis Portal:Matis Portail:Matis Портал:Матисы P
Kategorie:Tryker Category:Tryker Categoría:Tryker Catégorie:Tryker Категория:Трайкеры 6
Vorlage:Portal Tryker Template:Portal Tryker Plantilla:Portal Tryker Modèle:Portail Tryker Шаблон:Портал Трайкер T
Portal:Tryker Portal:Tryker Portal:Tryker Portail:Tryker Портал:Трайкеры P
Kategorie:Zoraï Category:Zoraï Categoría:Zoraï Catégorie:Zoraï Категория:Зораи 6
Vorlage:Portal Zoraï Template:Portal Zoraï Plantilla:Portal Zoraï Modèle:Portail Zoraï Шаблон:Портал Зораи T
Portal:Zoraï Portal:Zoraï Portal:Zoraï Portail:Zoraï Портал:Зораи P
Kategorie:Ranger Category:Rangers Categoría:Rangers Catégorie:Rangers Категория:Рейнджеры 6
Vorlage:Portal Ranger Template:Portal Rangers Plantilla:Portal Rangers Modèle:Portail Rangers Шаблон:Портал Рейнджеры T
Portal:Ranger Portal:Rangers Portal:Rangers Portail:Rangers Портал:Рейнджеры P
Kategorie:Fraktionen Category:Factions Categoría:Facciones Catégorie:Factions Категория:Фракции 5
Vorlage:Portal Fraktionen Template:Portal Factions Plantilla:Portal Facciones Modèle:Portail Factions Шаблон:Портал Фракции T
Portal:Fraktionen Portal:Factions Portal:Facciones Portail:Factions Портал:Фракции P
Kategorie:Religion Category:Religion Categoría:Religión Catégorie:Religions Категория:Религия 5
Vorlage:Portal Fraktionen
Vorlage:Portal Gesellschaft
Template:Portal Factions
Template:Portal Society
Plantilla:Portal Facciones
Plantilla:Portal Sociedad
Modèle:Portail Factions
Modèle:Portail Société
Шаблон:Портал Фракции
Шаблон:Портал Общество
Kategorie:Kamis Category:Kamis Categoría:Kamis Catégorie:Kamis Категория: Ками 6
Vorlage:Portal Kami Template:Portal Kami Plantilla:Portal Kami Modèle:Portail Kami Шаблон:Портал Ками T
Portal:Kami Portal:Kami Portal:Kami Portail:Kami Портал: Ками P
Kategorie:Karavan Category:Karavan Categoría:Karavan Catégorie:Karavan Категория:Караван 6
Vorlage:Portal Karavan Template:Portal Karavan Plantilla:Portal Karavan Modèle:Portail Karavan Шаблон:Портал Караван T
Portal:Karavan Portal:Karavan Portal:Karavan Portail:Karavan Портал:Karavan P
Kategorie:Marodeure Category:Marauders Categoría:Merodeadores Catégorie:Maraudeurs Категория:Мародеры 6
Vorlage:Portal Marodeure Template:Portal Marauders Plantilla:Portal Merodeadores Modèle:Portail Maraudeurs Шаблон:Портал Мародеры T
Portal:Marodeure Portal:Marauders Portal:Merodeadores Portail:Maraudeurs Портал:Мародеры P
Kategorie:Trytonisten Category:Trytonists Categoría:Trytonistas Catégorie:Trytonistes Категория:Тритонисты 6
Vorlage:Portal Trytonisten Template:Portal Trytonists Plantilla:Portal Trytonistas Modèle:Portail Trytonistes Шаблон:Портал Тритонисты T
Portal:Trytonisten Portal:Trytonists Portal:Trytonistas Portail:Trytonistes Портал:Тритонисты P
Kategorie:Die Große Bibliothek Category:The Great Library Categoría:La Gran Biblioteca Catégorie:La Grande Bibliothèque Категория:Великая Библиотека 2
Vorlage:Portal Die Große Bibliothek Template:Portal The Great Library Plantilla:Portal La Gran Biblioteca Modèle:Portail La Grande Bibliothèque Шаблон:Портал Великая Библиотека T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek Portal:The Great Library Portal:La Gran Biblioteca Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque Портал:Великая Библиотека P
Kategorie:Wissenschaft und Technik Category:Science and technology‏‎ Categoría:Ciencia y tecnología Catégorie:Sciences et techniques Категория:Наука и техника 3
Vorlage:Portal Wissenschaften Template:Portal Sciences Plantilla:Portal Ciencias Modèle:Portail Sciences Шаблон:Портал Науки T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Wissenschaft Portal:The Great Library/Sciences Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Ciencias Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Sciences Портал:Великая Библиотека/Наука P
Kategorie:Literatur Category:Literature Categoría:Literatura Catégorie:Littérature Категория:Литература 3
Vorlage:Portal Literatur Template:Portal Literature Plantilla:Portal Literatura Modèle:Portail Littérature Шаблон:Портал Литература T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Literatur Portal:The Great Library/Literature Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Literatura Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Littérature Портал:Великая Библиотека/Литература P
Kategorie:Gesellschaft Category:Society Categoría:Sociedad Catégorie:Société Категория:Общество 3
Vorlage:Portal Gesellschaft Template:Portal Society Plantilla:Portal Sociedad Modèle:Portail Société Шаблон:Портал Общество T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Gesellschaft Portal:The Great Library/Society Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Sociedad Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Société Портал:Великая Библиотека/Общество P
Kategorie:Homins‎ Category:Homins‎ Categoría:Homins‎ Catégorie:Homins‎ Категория:Гоминов‎ 3
Vorlage:Portal Homins‎ Template:Portal Homins‎ Plantilla:Portal Homins‎ Modèle:Portail Homins‎ Шаблон:Портал Гоминов T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Homins‎ Portal:The Great Library/Homins‎ Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Homins‎ Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Homins‎ Портал:Великая Библиотека/Гоминов P
Kategorie:Geschichte Category:History Categoría:Historia Catégorie:Histoire‎ Категория:История 3
Vorlage:Portal Geschichte Template:Portal History Plantilla:Portal Historia Modèle:Portail Histoire‎ Шаблон:Портал История T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Geschichte Portal:The Great Library/History Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Historia Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Histoire‎ Портал:Великая Библиотека/История P
Kategorie:Trödel Category:Bric-a-brac Categoría:Batiburillo Catégorie:Bric-à-brac Категория:Базар 3
Vorlage:Portal Trödel Template:Portal Bric-a-brac Plantilla:Portal Batiburillo Modèle:Portail Bric-à-brac Шаблон:Портал Базар T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Trödel Portal:The Great Library/Bric-a-brac Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Batiburillo Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Bric-à-brac Портал:Великая Библиотека/Базар P
Kategorie:Chroniken Category:Chronicles Categoría:Crónicas Catégorie:Chroniques Категория:Хроники 2
Vorlage:Portal Chroniken Template:Portal Chronicles Plantilla:Portal Crónicas Modèle:Portail Chroniques Шаблон:Портал Хроники T
Portal:Chroniken Portal:Chronicles Portal:Crónicas Portail:Chroniques Портал:Хроники P
Kategorie:Chroniken Bis 2480 Category:Chronicles Before 2480 Categoría:Crónicas Antes de 2480 Catégorie:Chroniques Avant 2480 Категория:Хроники До 2480 3
Vorlage:Portal Chroniken Bis 2480 Template:Portal Chronicles Before 2480 Plantilla:Portal Crónicas Antes de 2480 Modèle:Portail Chroniques Avant 2480 Шаблон:Портал Хроники До 2480 T
Portal:Chroniken/Bis 2480 Portal:Chronicles/Before 2480 Portal:Crónicas/Antes de 2480 Portail:Chroniques/Avant 2480 Портал:Хроники/До 2480 P
Kategorie:Chroniken 2481 - 2484 Category:Chronicles 2481 - 2484 Categoría:Crónicas 2481 - 2484 Catégorie:Chroniques 2481 - 2484 Категория:Хроники 2481 - 2484 3
Vorlage:Portal Chroniken 2481 - 2484 Template:Portal Chronicles 2481 - 2484 Plantilla:Portal Crónicas 2481 - 2484 Modèle:Portail Chroniques 2481 - 2484 Шаблон:Портал Хроники 2481 - 2484 T
Portal:Chroniken/2481 - 2484 Portal:Chronicles/2481 - 2484 Portal:Crónicas/2481 - 2484 Portail:Chroniques/2481 - 2484 Портал:Хроники/2481 - 2484 P
Kategorie:Chroniken 2485 - 2525 Category:Chronicles 2485 - 2525 Categoría:Crónicas 2485 - 2525 Catégorie:Chroniques 2485 - 2525 Категория:Хроники 2485 - 2525 3
Vorlage:Portal Chroniken 2485 - 2525 Template:Portal Chronicles 2485 - 2525 Plantilla:Portal Crónicas 2485 - 2525 Modèle:Portail Chroniques 2485 - 2525 Шаблон:Портал Хроники 2485 - 2525 T
Portal:Chroniken/2485 - 2525 Portal:Chronicles/2485 - 2525 Portal:Crónicas/2485 - 2525 Portail:Chroniques/2485 - 2525 Портал:Хроники/2485 - 2525 P
Kategorie:Chroniken 2525 - 2562 Category:Chronicles 2525 - 2562 Categoría:Crónicas 2525 - 2562 Catégorie:Chroniques 2525 - 2562 Категория:Хроники 2525 - 2562 3
Vorlage:Portal Chroniken 2525 - 2562 Template:Portal Chronicles 2525 - 2562 Plantilla:Portal Crónicas 2525 - 2562 Modèle:Portail Chroniques 2525 - 2562 Шаблон:Портал Хроники 2525 - 2562 T
Portal:Chroniken/2525 - 2562 Portal:Chronicles/2525 - 2562 Portal:Crónicas/2525 - 2562 Portail:Chroniques/2525 - 2562 Портал:Хроники/2525 - 2562 P
Kategorie:Chroniken Seit 2562 Category:Chronicles Since 2562 Categoría:Crónicas Después de 2562 Catégorie:Chroniques Depuis 2562 Категория:Хроники С года 2562 3
Vorlage:Portal Chroniken Seit 2562 Template:Portal Chronicles Since 2562 Plantilla:Portal Crónicas Después de 2562 Modèle:Portail Chroniques Depuis 2562 Шаблон:Портал Хроники С года 2562 T
Portal:Chroniken/Seit 2562 Portal:Chronicles/Since 2562 Portal:Crónicas/Después de 2562 Portail:Chroniques/Depuis 2562 Портал:Хроники/С года 2562 P
Kategorie:Chroniken OOC Category:Chronicles OOC Categoría:Crónicas OOC Catégorie:Chroniques HRP Категория:Хроники OOC 3
Vorlage:Portal Chroniken OOC Template:Portal Chronicles OOC Plantilla:Portal Crónicas OOC Modèle:Portail Chroniques HRP Шаблон:Портал Хроники OOC T
Portal:Chroniken/OOC Portal:Chronicles/OOC Portal:Crónicas/OOC Portail:Chroniques/HRP [[:ru:Портал:Хроники/OOC]|Портал:Хроники/OOC]] P
Kategorie:Mysterien Category:X-files Categoría:Entresijos Catégorie:Arcanes Категория:Мистерии 2
Vorlage:Portal Mysterien Template:Portal X-files Plantilla:Portal Entresijos Modèle:Portail Arcanes Шаблон:Портал Мистерии T
Portal:Mysterien Portal:X-files Portal:Entresijos Portail:Arcanes Портал:Мистерии P
Kategorie:Archiv Category:Archives Categoría:Archivos Catégorie:Archives Категория:Архив 3
Vorlage:Portal Archiv Template:Portal Archives Plantilla:Portal Archivos Modèle:Portail Archives Шаблон:Портал Архив T
Portal:Mysterien/Archiv Portal:X-files/Archives Portal:Entresijos/Archivos Portail:Arcanes/Objets perdus Портал:Мистерии/Архив P
Kategorie:Geheimnis Category:Mysteries Categoría:Misterios Catégorie:OVNI Категория:Секреты 3
Vorlage:Portal Geheimnis Template:Portal Mysteries Plantilla:Portal Misterios Modèle:Portail OVNI Шаблон:Портал Секреты T
Portal:Mysterien/Geheimnis Portal:X-files/The_Cave Portal:Entresijos/La_Cueva Portail:Arcanes/OVNI Портал:Мистерии/Секреты P
Category:Wikipatys 1
Vorlage:Portal Wikipatys Template:Portal Wikipatys Plantilla:Portal Wikipatys Modèle:Portail Wikipatys Шаблон:Портал Wikipatys T
Portal:Mysterien/Wikipatys Portal:X-files/Wikipatys Portal:Entresijos/Wikipatys Portail:Arcanes/Coulisses Портал:Мистерии/Wikipatys P
Category:Graphic Charter Category:Graphic Charter Category:Graphic Charter Category:Charte graphique Category:Graphic Charter 2
Kategorie:Portal Category:Portals Categoría:Portales Catégorie:Portails‎ Категория:Портал 2
Category:Forge, managed by development team 1
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Portal:Forge Portal:Forge Portal:Forge Portail:Forge Портал:Forge P
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Craftjenn Bio Bio OCC Notes
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2020-11-06)

My name is CraftJenn

I am born on the21 Thermis 2576, in a Matis refugee camp.

I am now Ranger [1], and in my guild there are Fyros, Zoraïs, Matis and many Trykers.

Ok yes, I'm a sap Matis Ranger. But I spent all my childhood with Trykers! So most of the time, I have more affinities with the Trykers.

Of course, it depends on homins - and I have friends of all races and factions: p

Meeting with my adoptive family (and Jenn)

When I was a very young homin, I lost myself while fleeing a wave of Kittins - so young that I do not even remember the name my parents gave me, nor their faces ...

Jenn is the trykette who brought me up, I consider her as my big sister

I wandered alone days and days, before a young Trykette found me half dead with fear and hunger.

Jenn cared for me and nurtured me, and I consider her as my big sister (although I now easily make two more heads than her). We lived very close for several years, isolated, camping in the lakes with our mektoubs, feeding us young yubos, and little by little, we made some friends.

We had a hard time


understand why Trykers and Matis, after all these years, are wary of each other, while most of our friends and family were killed by the Kittins!

We did not yet know the history of the ancient times, and our knowledge of the powers of Atys was almost zero, after all this time passed, isolated - when we met Kiwa Lie and Djiper, none of us could read: p

In short ... One day, Jenn disappeared.

She says she does not remember her absence, not remembering the hunt or the days before :(

A big blow on the skull?

That terrible day, we were hunting and ... I had to take my legs to my neck to escape. I even thought she had been killed. At first, I searched for it, days and days, without success. Already so young, my story stammered: I had lost myself twice and found myself alone, dirty and hungry! I was still a little too young to be really autonomous, I needed friends. Matis came to me, did not ask me any questions - at first we had met about a bandit affair.

I was there for a short time in a Karavan guild. They were kind, fed me, dressed ... But they were preoccupied (in a quarrel with Kamis, about a distant Avant Poste), rarely in town, always on the road, at war ... And when I tried to join them, I was always killed on the road by these pesky ragus, who roam around the city Matis ...

I then met a tryker of passage, who gave me news of Jenn, I had not seen for ten seasons ... And I took the opportunity to travel D

In lakes

Naturally, after our reunion with Jenn, I followed her to FairHaven.

Jenn was in a Tryker (but Kami!) Guild, and they spent a lot of time in Void, without her because she was a very, very bad fighter [2]. : p

I do not even remember the name of his guilds (besides, I did not always understand what they said [3] ... After a few quiet years, there were changes in their organization. When they saw us, always together (and a little in our corner ...), it was spoiled ... Some did not appreciate my presence at his side? Only 'Binarabi' has always been kind to us - she has always prepared us some great stuff, both of us beautifully dressed - and at that age, we grow up very fast.
One night, coming out of Avendale's bar (this is where Jenn lives now), I was even assaulted by three Trykers full of beers - they were masked ... I came out with some bruises, Jenn was fired from his guild, a little bit brutally, I also find - we thought that these two events were related, but maybe not ...

Exit from a Tryker Guild Hall: with beer, confuses entry and exit (Lucio taken by Jenn)

We must recognize that this is a period where we hang out in bars, with homins not always very recommendable, trying to get used to frequenting other homins, after such a long isolation.

We then tried to live in Yrkanis - the Matis are so proud that they made fun of Jenn and her small size - which could be annoying, but at least she did not scare them: p

Jenn (Trykette on left) and CraftJenn (Matis, on right), in CraftJenn's apartment in Yrkanis

In Yrkanis and the Ranger Guild

I became Florist to make us survive, and I settled in Yrkanis (my apartment is in Zachini) [4]).
By the way, I do not like the fact that the Matis leave building guards outside, unprotected (as in lakes), too, in winter, I sometimes fire to help Antocho Sirinia warm up .. I've talked to some Matis, but of course, they do not care about the health of their Guardian, as long as he does not transmit the flu to one of their "noble offspring" ...

One day, a kind Kara accompanied us in the Majestic Garden, so that Jenn and I could train to fight the plants of the forest ...
We had heard about Ranger guild on Silan but had not seen one for ages - besides, a Tryker at the Fair Haven bar, we had told the adventures of Kiwa Lie and Djiper, but we did not really know what it meant to be a ranger - we still had relatively little traveled, we stayed around the main cities and were very ignorant.

In short... while we were both (once again) in coma, on a road to the Majestic Garden, Kiwa Lie, Djiper and Zo'ro Argh, on the road for some delivery in mektoub for the Matis, rezed us, before resuming their way - we were immediately conquered by their kindness and attention - Zo is a good doctor and especially a great scientist, he told us some stories when we just came out of coma, and Kiwa Lie comforted us with his famous cookies. As they were still in a hurry, we made an appointment to chat around a fire, on another date.

Quite quickly, we met the other members of the guild: Depyraken the Fyros, Celebtiryth, Cohme ...
And Pim, the tryker that showed me lots of drilling spots, Rajaaar with whom I got a lot trained, Krill beer in hand ... I see all these faces that I do not quote here (and some friends Zorai too), some have not returned from their excursion ... All charming, with a lot of humor - it's better to have one when you are Ranger :)

We both integrated their guild, but were still too inexperienced to begin the ranger ritual. The guild has dressed us, given new weapons (thank you Kiwa Lie for these weapons and magic adornments), and helped to mount our fame, both with the four nations, as with both religions.

Kiwa Lie also recommended us to do the rite of the wise, that of the drilling of the Lakes, as well as the one that begins at Zora. I do not really like fighting, but the guild also recommended us to train in combat. In short, Jenn and I have completed the 3 recommended rites, while working our fame (at the time, we did not know fametraker and Moniq!)

Izam head that I am ... I forgot the beginning: they have of course, started to take us from country to country, from city to city (the famous trek - we participated, even very young, various missions "sub-sub": delivery in mektoub, packages, messages, even works of art, sums of money, as well as various potions ...

That's one of the reasons we love our beloved leader, Kiwa Lie.


How I became a Ranger

I did the first part of the rite a long time ago, so I'm not very sure of some details, these notes are from memory ... I'll have to go talk to my fellow Rangers, to check if I do not I have not made big mistakes ...

But basically, here's what I remember:

Ideally, a Ranger has all (the 4 nations + Kami and Kara) fames 50.

The easiest way is to raise them to 50 before starting the rite. Some missions need to have these fame at minimum values (for example, to get the cube, they must be at least 35).

  • The first part of the rite begins in Zora and gives 4 nutelas (or Ranger Pathways).

The advantage of these 4 nutelas (nickname that the Rangers give to their specific means of transport) is that they are free (no dappers need to buy them, magical amber is completely free). The major disadvantage is that you have to be in the right place to use them: it's a tunnel between two places, as a special vortex. And that we still have no tp towards the Prime Roots.
These completed missions, we have in his bag an Amber Ranger Ambreranger.png and the cube Ranger Cuberanger.png, which shows the precepts Rangers. We also win a title "Aspirant Ranger".

  • The second part has 3 big parts: it starts in Silan (yes as we can now go to Silan), takes place on a new zone, and ends on Atys.
Apocanix Pletheus, Head of a refugee camp

We finish with more than ten nutelas (including points in PR), and the title of the Faction : Ranger.

Official links and references

On forum

and on the forum, from Bitttymacod, the Mostly Spoiler Free Ranger Procedures

On wiki

Kythqaaa and quitting the guild

After Kythqaaa's death, I need time.

Jenn has left the guild "Cercle du Bois d'Almati", to start her own guild.

Due to Kiwalie's absence, I too ended up leaving the guild (I'm in one of the guild created by KiwaLie). I need to isolate myself in a deserted corner...

  1. I have good relationship with the 4 nations and 2 religions, I have never chosen a nationality, I am not a religion fanatic. Growing up, I passed the Rite of Rangers.
  2. Now it's a little better (she stops getting tangled up) sword in her skirt, when she gets up too quickly ... Too bad, it always amused child D), but it must be said, that the "pure fighting" is not too much our thing D .. * Jenn, stop nudging me like that! - She's making fun of methere! * Or, in any case ... * laugh * Not all the time ...: p
  3. They were two anglophone guilds. Binarabi is an English trykette, very good craftswoman. It has superbly equipped, several years, and always for free! I think she was totally crazy about "mini-Jenn" MDR Binarabi was the head of Jenn's first guild, this same guild later merged with another guild.
  4. I live in Yrkanis, Zachini district, in the first tree, south of the merchant Sirgio Cigno. If you've never seen a Matis apartment, come see me, I still have beers and Shooki. OCC: when a homin is in his apartment, we can not find him - neither as a team on his map, nor with a /tar "Craftjenn"

--CraftJenn, Ranger (talk) Oct 2020 (UTC)