(Traduction mission Arken)
m (Ajout du portrait d'Arken)
Ligne 44 : Ligne 44 :
:[09] - Téléport de la Karavan
:[09] - Téléport de la Karavan
:[10] - Kami du lac et point de résurrection
:[10] - Kami du lac et point de résurrection
:[11] - Arken
:[11] - [[Arken]]
:[12] - Bandit spécialiste
:[12] - Bandit spécialiste
:[13] - Reitzak
:[13] - Reitzak

Version du 27 novembre 2016 à 01:40

en:Silan Guide
fr:Le petit guide de Silan

Tutoriel de tutoriel...

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La dernière édition était de Lanstiril le 2016-11-27.


Avant de vous lancer...

Il n'y a pas de niveau général dans Ryzom. Votre niveau (celui, plus précisément, du personnage que vous jouez) dans chacune des compétences est affiché dans la fenêtre ACTIONS (touche B par défaut). Lorsque quelqu'un vous demande votre niveau, il s'agit du niveau de votre personnage dans la compétence alors utilisée ou discutée.

Il n'y a aucune classe, aucune restriction, dans Ryzom ! Tout personnage peut acquérir et utiliser n'importe laquelle, ou l'ensemble, des compétences disponibles dans le jeu. Aucune des races d'Atys ne bénéficie d'avantage dans aucune de ces compétences, sauf du point de vue du roleplay. La race de votre personnage n'affecte en rien votre gameplay.

Voir le Manuel de l'utilisateur de Ryzom.

Trucs & astuces

Ceci vaut tout particulièrement pour la mission d'initiation à la Magie qui demande d'enraciner les Javings pour les tuer. L'enracinement ne cause aucun dégât en lui même, il tient seulement les Javings à distance, de sorte qu'ils ne peuvent ni vous toucher, ni vous désarmer.
La mécanique est identique pour les missions demandant de récupérer XX objets sur une créature morte : là encore un seul équipier choisi au hasard recevra l'objet récupéré sur la créature morte et l'équipe devra continuer à tuer jusqu'à ce que tous les équipiers aient réuni la totalité des objets requis.
Pour ce faire, parlez à Chiang le Fort et sélectionnez dernière mission de la liste qu'il vous propose (Leave for the capital city). Attention, cependant : vous ne pourrez quitter Silan si l'une des missions à vous confiées par Chiang le Fort demeure inachevée. Sur Silan, en effet, on ne peut recevoir d'un même PNJ qu'une mission à la fois et Leave for the capital city est une mission.

Carte légendée de Silan

Attention ! N'allez pas plus loin si vous ne voulez pas vous priver du plaisir de la découverte. Vous trouverez par moments Ryzom difficile à appréhender mais il vaut la peine que vous vous donnerez à le découvrir par vous même, avec un peu d'aide de la part de vos compagnons de jeu. C'est pourquoi il vous est recommandé de n'utiliser les guides ci-dessous que comme références ou si vous vous trouvez absolument bloqué ! Souvenez-vous, à ce propos, que votre compas et son radar vous guideront, en principe, pour toute mission qui vous sera confiée sur l'île tutorielle de Silan.

Le texte ci-dessous contient un spoiler. Pour voir la partie occultée, cliquer sur Afficher
Carte légendée de Silan
L'île de Silan
[01] - Chiang Le Fort et point de résurrection
[02] - Guilan Guiter (et, non loin d'elle, un Entraîneur de Combattants, ainsi que deux Marchands d'Armes de Mêlée)
[03] - Nomis Merclao (et, près de lui, un entraîneur de Magiciens)
[04] - Sterga Hamla (et, non loin de lui, un entraîneur d'Artisans ainsi que trois marchands d'armure)
[05] - Milles Dodoine (et, près d'elle, un entraîneur de Récolteurs ainsi qu'un marchand de bijoux)
[06] - Be'Tooly (et, près de lui, un marchand d'outils)
[07] - Guide Kami et point de résurrection
[08] - Officier de communication de la Karavan
[09] - Téléport de la Karavan
[10] - Kami du lac et point de résurrection
[11] - Arken
[12] - Bandit spécialiste
[13] - Reitzak
[14] - Gisement de fine ambre Zun
[15] - Gisements de fin bois de Motega, fine graine de Sarina et fine ambre Hash
[16] - Repaire des ragus
[17] - Colline aux yelks
[18] - Entrée du tunnel de la jungle
[19] - Sortie du tunnel de la jungle
[20] - Kirosta dominant

Guide des missions de Silan

Attention ! Lorsque vous vous chargez d'une mission, écoutez (lisez) attentivement celui ou celle qui vous la confie ! Comme il n'y a aucun moyen de lui faire répéter ses dires, vous risquez sinon de manquer des informations importantes.

Le texte ci-dessous contient un spoiler. Pour voir la partie occultée, cliquer sur Afficher

Missions de formation

Guilan guiter.jpg

Missions de Combat

Les missions accroissant vos compétences dans le Combat de Mêlée (le Tir n'est pas praticable sur l'île) vous seront confiées par le Commandant Fyros Guilan Guiter, représentante de sa nation parmi les Rangers de Silan. Vous la trouverez à une soixantaine de mètres à l'est de la colline de votre arrivée, près des huttes orangées sur pilotis typiques de l'habitat fyros.

Chasseurs et proies

Ico task doable.png
Chasseurs et proies #1
Apprendre les bases du combat


  • Tuer trois Yubos allaitants
  • Retourner faire votre rapport à Guilan Guiter
  • Parler à Utehes Isy (Entraîneur de Combattants)


  • Écoutez attentivement la leçon de Guilan sur les différentes techniques de combat et profitez de l'opportunité de les comparer que vous donne cette première mission.
  • Vous trouverez des Yubos allaitants tout autour du campement ranger.


  • 3 000 points d'expérience
  • 1 500 dappers
Ico task doable.png
Chasseurs et proies #2
Repérer les proies avant la chasse


  • Repérer des Bodocs allaitants
  • Les observer
  • Repérer des Yubos sevrés
  • Les observer
  • Retourner faire votre rapport à Guilan Guiter


  • Vous trouverez les Bodocs allaitants au nord-est du campement ranger et les Yubos sevrés un peu plus loin au nord, dans les collines.
  • Pour "observer", il vous suffit de cibler un individu de chacune des espèces voulues durant une dizaine de secondes.
  • Vous apprendrez de vos observations que "Gros herbivores à peau épaisse, les Bodocs ont l'air paisibles mais puissants." et que "Petits et plutôt lents, les Yubos sont des omnivores ; ils semblent inoffensifs et succulents."


  • 6 000 points d'expérience
  • 3 000 dappers
Ico task doable.png
Chasseurs et proies #3
Récolter les fruits de la chasse


  • Prélever 8 Viandes de Bodoc des Forêts d'une qualité au moins égale à 6 sur une créature morte
  • Rapporter les 8 Viandes à Guilan Guiter


  • Notez le "au moins égale à 6" : une viande de qualité supérieure sera acceptée par Guilan Guiter.
  • Vous trouverez les Bodocs à chasser dans les Terrains de chasse, au nord-est du campement ranger.
  • Les Viandes de Bodoc
    Ico Bodoc meat.png
    sont dits "objets ou matières de mission" dans l'inventaire du sac de votre personnage, dans lequel ils tomberont automatiquement (dépeçage non nécessaire) mais aléatoirement. Un message en caractères vert vif signale (au bas de l'écran et dans le canal SYS. INFOS) chacune de ces mises en sac.


  • 12 000 points d'expérience
  • 4 000 dappers
Ico task doable.png
Chasseurs et proies #4
Combattre des prédateurs


  • Se rendre sur le "Lieu du crime", à l'est des Terrains de chasse
  • Trouver ceux qui ont tué le Bodoc
  • Tuer 5 Ragus menus pour faire cesser le massacre d'herbivores
  • Retourner faire votre rapport à Guilan Guiter


  • Les Ragus menus, animaux agressifs, rôdent autour de leur repaire, à l'est des Terrains de chasse.
  • Si vous ne parvenez pas à toucher les Ragus, essayer d'utiliser votre Attaque Précise.


Ico Ballast Axe.png
  • 9 000 points d'expérience
  • La Hache leste, hache à une main de qualité 15

Travail d'Équipe

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Découvrir les particularités
des créatures


  • Se rendre dans les Ruines Dévastées
  • Éliminer 10 Javings nouveau-nés
  • Retourner faire votre rapport à Guilan Guiter


  • Les Javings nouveau-nés, animaux agressifs, pullulent à l'est et au nord-est des Ruines Dévastées.
  • Les Javings désarment souvent leur adversaire (en fait, ils renvoient son arme dans son sac). Lorsque cela vous arrivera, vous devrez re-sélectionner l'arme dans le sac de votre personnage puis patienter le temps nécessaire à sa reprise en main(s) avant de pouvoir frapper à nouveau.


Ico Duellist Blade.png
  • 15 000 points d'expérience
  • La Lame de duel, épée à une main de qualité 20

Les lames rouges

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Les lames rouges #1
Dispenser la justice


  • Tuer des bandits jusqu'à trouver les informations recherchées
  • Rapporter le parchemin à Guilan Guiter


  • Vous trouverez les bandits (Pillards des Illuminés, qui, agressifs et sociaux, vous attaqueront par groupes de quatre) au milieu des Ruines de Silan et vous devrez probablement en tuer plus d'un avant de récupérer leur plan.
  • Le plan des bandits
    Ico Bandit Plan.png
    , objet de mission, apparaîtra de lui-même dans le sac de votre personnage, sans avoir à dépouiller le bandit qui le détenait. Guettez le message en caractères vert vif qui s'affichera alors (au bas de l'écran et dans le canal SYS. INFOS) pour vous avertir de sa découverte.


Ico Apprentices Protector.png
  • 18 000 points d'expérience
  • Le Protecteur de l'apprenti, bouclier de qualité 30
Ico task doable.png
Les lames rouges #2
Combattre le chef des bandits


  • Trouver et éliminer Arken
  • Retourner faire votre rapport à Guilan Guiter


  • Vous trouverez Arken, entouré de cinq Pillard des Illuminés (tous agressifs et sociaux) sur une colline au nord des Ruines de Silan.
  • Tuer Arken est un défi et vous devrez probablement vous entourer d'une équipe : utilisez le canal RÉGION pour en trouver ou former une. La manière la plus aisée d'en venir à bout est d'attendre qu'il s'écarte de son groupe de pillards, de le provoquer et de courir sur environ 70 mètres avant de vous retourner pour l'affronter. Ainsi, avec un peu de chance, vous n'aurez que lui à combattre et tuer, non ses gardes.


Ico Fire and Wrath.png
  • 25 000 points d'expérience
  • Feu et Colère, épée deux mains flambante de qualité 45

Missions de magiciens

Magic missions are given by the Zorai representative in the ranger camp, Nomis Merclao, Sage. Nomis can be found in the north-east of the camp, near the purple tents.

Premiers pas en magie


  • Kill 3 Suckling Yubos
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao


  • Suckling yubos can be found all around the ranger camp.


3 500 points d'expérience

Premiers pas en magie #2


  • Go to the Training Area
  • Break 4 Jars within 60 seconds, using the acid spell
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao

  • Find the crying child (Nethsael)
  • Talk to Nethsael
  • Save your butt! Kill the bandits!
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao


  • Use this opportunity to test the differences between casting with and without your magic amplifiers equipped. There is a time limit on breaking the jars, though, so don't spend too long experimenting or you have to start killing them all over again!
  • The crying child can be found on the cliff to the south of the camp. There are no wrong responses in the conversation you have with him.


8 000 points d'expérience

Premiers pas en magie #3


  • Go and see the magic trainer (optional)
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao


  • 3 000 points d'expérience
  • 1 500 dappers

La naissance d'un mage


  • Train up to magic level 10, and buy a level 2 attack spell from the trainer (acid or cold)
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao
  • Practise editing your spell actions
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao


5 000 points d'expérience

La naissance d'un mage #2


  • Kill 10 Weaned Rendor
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao
  • Buy the Root spell from the trainer


  • Although a team may be useful, it is not required.
  • OLD Weaned Rendors are found south and south-east of the Ruins of Silan, in the forest.


  • 8 000 points d'expérience
  • q15 Frost Touch (magic amps)


  • Kill 10 New-born Javings
  • Speak to Nomis
  • Buy the Rot spell from the magic trainer
  • Speak to Nomis


  • Javings often disarm their opponents (this means you). That includes magic amplifiers. Not using amplifiers on them will be slower, but can still be done. Remember that re-arming will take time during which you will not be able to cast.
  • OLD New-born Javings are aggro, can disarm and are found east and north-east of the Ruins of Silan, in the forest.


  • 10 000 points d'expérience
  • q25 Apprentice Dress (caster pants/skirt)

Au service d'un peuple


  • Kill 10 Peaceful Slavenis
  • Speak to Nomis


  • Make sure you're killing Peaceful Slavenis - not Placid ones.
  • OLD Peaceful Slavenis are found east of the Ruins of Silan, near the forest.


  • 10 000 points d'expérience
  • q25 Apprentice Gown (light vest)


  • Buy the Fear spell from the trainer
  • Go to the Ruins
  • Loot 10 x Basic Yelk Mushroom, at least q10
  • Give the mushrooms to Nomis


  • If you just kill the yelks, they give off deadly gas much like dig sources can - but if they are under the influence of a fear spell when they die, no gas. Unfortunately, low level fear spells don't last long, so be ready to run (the gas does about 50HP damage per tick).
  • OLD Basic Yelk Mushroom is looted from Yelks that are found in and near the Ruins of Silan.

Warning: Yelks have an AoE poison gas that is released after they are killed. This is the reason that Fear is a requirement for this quest. The Yelks will not release the AoE poison if they are feared at the moment of death.

  • Protip: If you're working on Melee and Magic both anyway, melee the Yelks using a Stanza that includes Increased Damage 2. Melee them with it until they are at around 30% health, then use a Stanza that includes Fear. You should be able to kill them before they run out of range with one more use of the Increased Damage 2 Stanza, causing them to flop down dead within 3-5 meters of you. This is an excellent way to reduce downtime between Yelk Kills. As a side benefit, the Harvesters gathered on Yelk Hill will send you fewer hateful tells for killing a Yelk on top of them. :)


  • 32 000 points d'expérience
  • q30 Freezing Touch (magic amplifiers)


  • Kill 10 Puny Gingos
  • Speak to Nomis


  • Gingos are very aggressive, fast moving, and move around a lot. Watch for adds.
  • OLD Puny Gingos are aggro and are found around the Throne Room.


  • 13 000 points d'expérience
  • q40 Icy Touch (Magic Amplifiers)

Missions d'artisans

Crafting missions are given by the Matis representative in the ranger camp, Sterga Hamla, Maître artisan Matis. Sterga can be found in the south of the camp, near the yellow huts.

Un futur artisan


  • Craft a pair of light boots of at least quality 5.
  • Give the boots to Sterga.


  • Don't craft while wearing medium or heavy armour - this increases your chances of failure or partial failure. Instead wear light armour, or go nekkid.
  • OLD Sterga will give you 30 x Q10 Generic Raw Material.


  • 3 000 points d'expérience
  • 1 000 dappers


  • Go to Be'Tooly Lixie, the Raw Material Merchant, and using the money Stega gave you, buy:
    • 1 x Basic Redhot Sap, q10
    • 1 x Basic Irin Oil, q10
    • 2 x Basic Glue Resin, q10
    • 2 x Basic Buo Fiber, q10
  • Use these materials to craft a pair of light boots.
  • Give the boots to Sterga.
  • Talk to Milles Dodoine


  • In the trade window with Be'Tooly, you can see filters at the bottom of the list of his wares - you can use these to filter material type, grade, and quality. Have a fiddle with these, they make things much easier.
  • OLD Sterga will give you 10000 gold and you can buy the mats from Be'Tooly at [06].


  • 4 000 points d'expérience
  • 2 500 dappers

Reconstruire l'avenir


  • Buy <race> Light Pants Plan from the Crafter Trainer (Ta'Calc Odeh).
  • Speak to Sterga.
  • Using the materials Sterga gives you, craft:
    • 5 light pants, at least q5
    • 5 light boots, at least q5


  • If you run out of materials, ask Sterga for more.

If you've crafted all the items, but the mission isn't updating, make sure they are all at least quality 5 - some may have degraded, or you might have accidentally used materials lower than quality 5.

  • OLD Use those materials to complete this quest.


5 000 points d'expérience


  • Buy Crafting Option for HP Boost 1 from the Crafting Trainer.
  • Speak to Sterga.
  • Using the crafting option for HP boost, craft:
    • 5 light pants, at least q5
    • 5 light boots, at least q5
  • Sell what you've crafted to the Light Armour merchant.
  • Speak to Sterga.


  • To use the HP boost option, you need to edit your crafting action, and add the boost stanza - it shows up under Add Option.

When selling your wares, use the "Sell to NPC" button to avoid spamming up the merchant for others trying to buy gear.


  • 8 000 points d'expérience
  • q15 Inexperienced Artisan's Overall (light pants)

Les secrets de Silan


  • Stroke Sterga's ego by declaring your devotion to the Matis.
  • Gather mats:
    • EITHER: 15 x javing bones
    • OR: 15 x Basic Mitexi Bark
  • Speak to Sterga


  • The mitexi bark can be found north of the Ruins, where you have to prospect for it; or it can be found in the pre-popped sources near the slavenis south of the ruins.
  • OLD New-born Javings are aggro, can disarm and are found east and north-east of the Ruins of Silan, in the forest.


  • 10 000 points d'expérience
  • 10 000 dappers


  • Gather, either by digging or killing:
    • Grip:
      • EITHER: 5 x Basic Yelk skin, at least q15
      • OR: 5 x Basic Buo Fiber, at least q15
    • Magic Focus:
      • EITHER: 10 x Basic Yelk Mushroom, at least q15
      • OR: 10 x Fine Zun Amber, at least q15
  • Speak to Sterga


  • Yelks are also needed for the Magic quests, so if you did it first, you may have some or maybe all of these materials.
  • OLD Basic Yelk Skin and Basic Yelk Mushroom are looted from Yelks that are found in and near the Ruins of Silan.


  • 11 000 points d'expérience
  • q20 Artisan's Blouse (light vest)


  • Buy <race> Melee Weapons Crafting 1 and Magic Amplifier Plan from the trainer, and a melee weapons crafting tool from the Tool Merchant (Anibre Bechini)
  • Craft a magic amplifiers, at least q10
  • Give the amplifiers to Sterga


  • Anibre Bechini is in one of the wooden buildings, next to Be'Tooly Lixie, the raw material merchant.


  • 10 000 points d'expérience
  • q25 Artisan's Ankle Boots (light boots)


  • Loot:
    • 10 x Basic Slaveni Bud, at least q12
    • 10 x Basic Slaveni Moss, at least q12
  • Speak to Sterga
  • Make your choice! Speak to either Aryu Ken, or Nomis Merclao about the samples.


  • Aryu Ken wanders around behind Nomis Merclao's tent. If you go to Nomis, you may have to right-click him to see the option to tell him about the samples.
  • OLD Basic Slaveni Bud and Basic Slaveni Moss are looted from Placid or Peaceful Slaveni found east of the Ruins of Silan.


  • 15 000 points d'expérience
  • q30 Artisan's Hand (light gloves)

Missions de récolteurs

Harvesting missions are given by the Tryker representative in the ranger camp, Milles Dodoine, Chef explorateur. Milles can be found in the south-west of the camp, near the blue tents next to the hill.

L'art de la récolte


  • Forage 3 x Basic Horny Shell, at least q1
  • Speak to Milles
  • Give the horny shell to Milles
  • Speak to the Harvest Trainer (Yoh Yawh) and buy Basic Prospection


  • If you go out behind the camp, near the cliff, you will see sparkly green eruptions sticking out of the ground. These are material sources - extract them to get your materials.
  • Remember that there are a lot of different materials in this spot, so it may take several tries to find what you're looking for. If you get impatient, you can start extracting a source, and then cancel the action if it's not the right material and move on.

OLD All of them can be foraged around the camp.


  • 5 000 points d'expérience
  • 1 000 dappers


  • Speak to the Harvest Trainer (Yoh Yawh) and buy Basic Prospecting
  • Forage 3 x Basic Caprice Seed, at least q1
  • Speak to Milles.


  • Go to the hill upon which Chiang the Strong stands, and use your prospecting action there to find the seeds.
  • OLD Caprice Seeds are on the hill where Chiang the Strong is [01].


6 000 points d'expérience


  • Buy Prospection for Fine Materials Only from the Harvest Trainer
  • Speak to Milles
  • Harvest materials:
    • 5 x Fine Sarina Seed, at least q5
    • 5 x Fine Hash Amber, at least q5
  • Speak to Milles


  • A blue flag on your map, to the north of the camp, shows you where to find the materials. If you have difficulty look around that area - basic prospecting only looks literally right in front of you.
  • OLD When you receive the mission a new flag [15] will appear on your map , the mats you need are found on a 50 meters radius area around it.

When you look at our map, the ambers are to the west of the marker, by the mushrooms


7 000 points d'expérience


  • Buy 50m Deposit Tracking from the harvest trainer, then speak to Milles
  • Use Deposit Tracking to find, and dig, some Fine Zun Amber, just south of the camp
  • Give the amber to Milles


  • Remember that tracking is not an exact art! Tracking will take you to roughly the right area, but you will still have to hunt around a bit for the mat.
  • Also remember that the tracking stanza you trained is set up for finding basic materials by default. I'll still get you there though as basic and higher grade materials are often found in close proximity to each other.
  • You should be able to find it at the blue flag on your map, a little way south of the E in "Karavan Embassy".
  • OLD Fine Zun Amber is found at [14], under the "E" in "Karavan Embassy", outside the Karavan compound, near the fence and between some trees.


  • 8 000 points d'expérience
  • q15 Explorer's Leggings (light pants)

Les ruines dévastées


  • Dig materials:
    • 3 x Basic Big Shell, at least q19
    • 3 x Basic Gulatch Oil, at least q19
    • 3 x Basic Buo Fiber, at least q19
  • Speak to Milles


  • You will need to buy Harmful Extraction 20 from the trainer for this mission! Once you've bought it, edit your digging action to use it.
  • Beware of javings while you dig!
  • OLD All of them are found on the Yelk Hill [17].


11 000 points d'expérience


  • Go the Ruins
  • Search the bandit crates
  • Take what you find to Miles


  • "Search the bandit crates" means "Find item-mobs named crate and kill them". There are several crates in the area with no name, with which you can not interact. Also, some crates do fight back!
  • OLD The Prince Diadem is a quest item and is obtained from boxes (caisses) found in the north part of the Ruins of Silan.
  • Note: The crates will not drop anything if you are in a team.


  • 10 000 points d'expérience
  • q18 Explorer's Vest (light vest)


  • Go to the Throne Room
  • Speak to Milles


  • There are several gingos in the area. The mission will trigger if you get into the flat area behind the hills and in front of the building, but you will almost surely get aggro from the gingos.


  • 17 000 points d'expérience
  • q20 Explorer's Boots (light boots)

Le joyeux récolteur


  • Go to the island in Shining Lake
  • Forage 10 x Plain Dead Leaf, at least q20
  • Give the mats to Milles


  • Use basic prospecting to find the Plain Dead Leaf - it can be dug a few metres to the east of the big arching root sticking out of the ground on the west bank.
  • If you're finding bark, you're close.
  • OLD Plain Dead Leaves are found on the island in the middle of the Shining Lake.


  • 20 000 points d'expérience
  • q30 Explorer's Fingerless Gloves (light gloves)


  • Use your Healing Mixtures to sabotage four of the Chlorogoo's Goo Eruptions
  • Speak to Milles


  • The Chlorogoos, and their goo spots, are north of the Shining Lake. Don't get too close to the Chlorogoos - they eat homin.

The goo spots don't show up on the radar, nor can you find them using /tar - just look around, they look like purple rocks, surrounded by pink mist. To sabotage them using the Healing Mixture, double click them (or right-click, Give 1 Item). Not all of the goo spots are clickable.

  • The counter for this mission does not update until you're done!
  • OLD Fresh Goo Eruptions are found around the Chlorogoo Camp at [13].


  • 22 000 points d'expérience
  • q25 Ring of Dexterity (focus boosted ring)

Missions de faction

Factional missions are given by the Kami and Karavan representatives in the ranger camp; the Kami Guide, and the Karavan Communications Officer (wearing black and yellow lycra). The Kami can be found in the Kami Enclave, behind Guilan Guiter; and the Karavan in the Karavan Embassy, surrounded by metal and laser fencing.

Later on, on the mainland, if you do missions for the Kami or Karavan it will be in order to raise your fame with that faction, and eventually pledge allegiance to one or the other of them. On Silan, it really doesn't matter which missions you do, or whether you do any of them at all.

Mission des Kamis : Purger les terres

Confiée par le Guide Kami (Enclave Kami)


  • Kill 8 Nauseous Frippos
  • Speak to the Guide


  • Frippos have an attack which drains sap, so you may wish to use melee to kill them. They can be found around the northeast edge of the Blight Zone.
  • OLD Nauseous Frippos are found around the Blight Zone.


7 500 dappers


  • Kill 10 Nauseous Caprynis
  • Speak to the Kami Guide


  • These can be found around the southeast edge of the Blight Zone.
  • OLD Nauseous Caprynis are found around the Blight Zone.


12 000 dappers


  • Kill 1 Young Ocyz
  • Speak to the Guide


  • OLD Young Ocyx are found north and north-east of the Blight Zone.


  • 15 000 dappers
  • 1 fame with the Kami

Mission de la Karavan : L'étude la Goo

Confiée par l'Officier de communication de la Karavan (Ambassade Karavan)


  • Gather 20 x Phial of Plain Fresh Goo Residue of at least q21:
    • EITHER: By killing creatures with "Nauseous" in their names around the Blight Zone
    • OR: By digging around the Blight Zone
  • Give the residue to the Communications Officer


  • If you kill Nauseous Frippos, bear in mind that they have an attack which drains sap, so you may wish to use melee to kill them.
  • If you choose to dig the residue, you must use basic prospecting, and dig at q30.
  • OLD Plain Fresh Goo Residue is a quest item and is obtained from Nauseous Frippos that are found around the Blight Zone.


7 500 dappers


  • Gather 20 x Phial of Average Fresh Goo Residue of at least q23:
    • EITHER: By killing creatures with "Nauseous" in their names around the Blight Zone
    • OR: By digging around the Blight Zone
  • Give the residue to the Communications Officer


  • For this mission you must kill Nauseous Caprynis - frippos don't provide high enough quality residue.
  • If you choose to dig the residue, you must use fine prospecting, and dig at q30. However, Average Residue is extremely hard to find, so it will probably be easier to gather the residue by killing animals.
  • OLD Average Fresh Goo Residue is a quest item and is obtained from Nauseous Caprynis that are found around the Blight Zone.


12 000 dappers


  • Gather 1 x Phial of Average Fresh Goo Residue of at least q24:
    • EITHER: By killing young Ocyx around the Blight Zone
    • OR: By digging around the Blight Zone
  • Give the residue to the Communications Officer


  • If you choose to dig the residue, you must use fine prospecting, and dig at q30. However, Average Residue is extremely hard to find, so it will probably be easier to gather the residue by killing animals.
  • OLD Average Dried Goo Residue is a quest item and is obtained from Young Ocyx that are found north and north-east of the Blight Zone.


  • 15 000 dappers
  • 1 fame with the Karavan

Missions avancées

Ces missions sont celles confiées par Chiang le Fort, le Commandant Ranger qui se tient sur la colline à l'entrée nord du camp, près de la tour devant laquelle vous avez mis pour la première fois le pied sur Atys.

Même si ces missions sont parfois énigmatiques, n'ayez pas d'inquiétude : elles sont tout à fait faisables.

Missions de Chiang Le Fort

Investigation at the Bandits'


  • Find out the bandits' secret
This is a perfect example of Chiang's missions being "a little cryptic". What he actually means by this is "Go to the cratcha field south of the lake, and kill the Specialist Bandit in order to find the Goo Remover".
  • Show the device to Chiang
  • Show the device to Sterga Hamla
  • Show the device to Nomis Merclao
  • Show the device to Milles Dodoine
  • Show the device to Guilan Guiter


  • If you're having trouble finding the Specialist, use your compass - he'll be the grey dot in among all the orange ones - or use the /tar command. If you still can't find him, it's possible someone else has killed him recently. Stick around for a few minutes and he'll respawn.
  • A new flag will appear on your map, south-east of the lake, marking the position of the Specialist bandit [12]. Kami of the lake is at [10], :* Reitzak is in the Chlorogoo camp at [13], the entrance of the tunnel that leads to the jungle is at [18], the tunnel exit is at [19].
  • Remember that if more than one person in your team needs the mission, you'll have to kill him more than once. You might not always get the Goo Remover - if you don't, then make sure your bag isn't full, and wait for him to respawn so you can kill him again (on average, 3-4 times is usually enough). If you still can't get the Remover, try relogging (logging out and then back in).
  • OLD A new flag will appear on your map, south-east of the lake, marking the position of the Specialist bandit [12].


None yet. ;)

The Gravest Sin

Note: This quest transitions smoothly between sections, thus the sections are not included here, as they are not noticeable breaks in progression. Also I didn't notice the transition between #2 and #3 and thus have no idea when it occurs.


  • Talk to Chiang
If neither your fight nor your magic skill is at lvl 25 or above, you'll need to lvl one of them up that far - then talk to Chiang again.
  • Chiang will suggest that you talk to the four race representatives - you don't have to do so, as they don't tell or give you anything useful. He'll also tell you to speak to either the Kami or the Karavan representative (whichever one you have the highest fame with in the fame (Shift-F) window. The faction rep will teleport you north, near the lake, to shorten your journey a little.
  • Talk to the Kami of the Lake (away to the southwest of the lake, bordering on the clouds on the map).
  • Defeat the leader of the Chlorogoo
  • Talk to Chiang
  • Talk to the Kami of the Lake (you can teleport again if you wish)


  • The Chlorogoo, lead by Reitzak, live on the north coast of the lake. It is possible to kill Reitzak on your own, but it's much easier with a team! If you want to try it on your own, bear in mind that if you stand at the edge of the camp and hit her with magic, she will run to you, but her guards won't.
  • OLD Kami of the lake is at [10], Reitzak is in the Chlorogoo camp at [13], the entrance of the tunnel that leads to the jungle is at [18].

While you're at the Chlorogoo camp, have a look round the back - in a cage, they have an Incensed Kipesta; a sneak preview of the high lvl creatures on mainland. ;)


Still none.. yet.


  • Go through the tunnel in the west coast of the lake, into the Kitin Jungle. Find a dangerous-looking insectoid thing, and target it to "list" it.
  • Talk to Chiang.


  • OLD The tunnel exit is at [19].


  • 15 000 Melee/Fight points d'expérience
  • 7500 Defensive Magic points d'expérience & 7500 Offensive Magic points d'expérience OR 15000 Magic points d'expérience (if your magic lvl is under 21)
  • 15000 Craft points d'expérience (OR 15000 armour craft points d'expérience if your craft lvl is 21 or higher)
  • 15000 Forage points d'expérience (OR 15000 forest forage points d'expérience if your forage lvl is 51 or higher)

Confront the Kitin Threat


  • Get your magic or melee lvl to 30, if you haven't already, then talk to Chiang.
  • Head off the kitin invasion:
    • Forage 15 x Phial of Basic Redhot Sap, any quality
    • Kill 1 x Kirosta
    • Kill 5 x Kipesta
    • Kill 8 x Kipee
  • Tell Chiang of your marvellous victory!


  • There is only one kirosta on Silan - the Dominant Kirosta. It's a lvl 50 boss, so you will almost certainly need a team!
  • When Chiang gives you your reward, you may have to make room for it in your bag - sell or destroy some items, then go back and talk to Chiang.
  • OLD Weak Kipees are found all over the jungle, Young Kipestas are found in the middle and northern part of the jungle, the Dominant Kirosta is at [20]. Basic Redhot Sap is found near the jungle entrance.


Ranger armour - a full set of q45 Medium Armour, with a boost of 15 to every stat. This is very good armour; you'll probably want to keep using it once you get to mainland.

Quitter Silan

Congratulations! You've now finished the tutorial missions. You can stay on Silan as long as you want, or you can move onto the mainland. If you wish to go to the mainland, take Chiang's last quest - Leave for the capital city.

You can choose which city you go to. The capital of the Fyros desert is Pyr, of the Zoraï jungle is Zora, of the Tryker lakelands is Fairhaven, and of the Matis forest is Yrkanis. Once you're on mainland, you can travel to other cities - but it's an arduous journey the first time, which you won't be able to make alone. If you've bought a lot of crafting plans on Silan, you'll probably want to go to your race's city, as only there can you dig the appropriate materials for your craft plans - otherwise, pick your fancy!

You'll find Atys is populated by friendly and helpful homins - so if you get stuck or need help, feel free to ask in the Universe channel, or the Newcomer Welcome forum. If you die, try asking in Region channel for a rez - if there's someone around, and they're close enough to get to you in time, they'll usually try. Similarly, if you need new equipment, don't buy stuff from the merchants - ask in Universe for a crafter of whatever you need; all crafters provide normal equipment (that is, not uber PvP equipment) for free.

You'll probably receive a lot of guild invites when you get to mainland. Don't just take the first one that pops up on your screen! Make some friends, and join their guild - or have a look at the guild information in the Guilds forum. If you already know what you want in a guild, there is a list available here, sorted by faction, race, and Roleplay stance. Ryzom is a truly community based game, and the right guild can make your Atys life a utopia. :)

OLD At this point, if you've done the 4 main quest lines and the 3 optional quest lines, you've done everything there is to do on Silan, and it's time to go to the Mainland.

Talk to Chiang the Strong at any time, and select the very last quest in the list he has. He will send you to speak with either the Kami or the Karavan Communication Officer. On your return, he will offer to send you to any of the 4 main Racial Cities.

Choose carefully. Once you arrive, you will be unable to travel to another City or District without going on a Trek, as there are very high level creature zones between the Cities.OLD

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