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La dernière édition était de Dorothée le 2019-10-14.

Ambre: Tribus d'Atys
Pillards du desert.png

Pillards du Désert
Sous-Continent Sommets Verdoyants
Région Source Cachée
Race(s) Fyros
Faction Kami
Titis Pelorus, Tribe Chief of the Woven Bridles
Notables see Tribe Members
Ennemis Matis, Trykers, Zoraï

en:Woven Bridles
es:Bridas Tejidas
fr:Pillards du Désert
ru:Плетеные Поводья



The Woven Bridles [1] are an aggressively expansionist tribe of Fyros who settled in the desert of Hidden Source, within the border of the Matis kingdom. Unlike the more peaceful Fyros of the Oasis Diggers who live in the same region, the Woven Bridles seek to conquer the Hidden Source for the Fyros, and they are at constant war with both the Matis nation itself and it's allies in the region, the tribe of The Arid Matis. They are also hostile to most visitors, attacking anyone who enters their camp except other Fyros. Like the Fyros at home, the Woven Bridles follow the Kami.

Tribe Members


Wandering the region





Fyros -16
Matis -83
Tryker -66
Zoraï -66

Related Stories

  1. On Leanon and Aniro, the Woven Bridles were known as the "Desert Raiders" or "Raiders of the Desert". This name is simpler and more functional for describing the tribe as outsiders would see them. One could thus guess that this is how others call them, while "Woven Bridles" is the tribe's own preferred ancestral name.

Dernière version 2023-01-10•
Portail de la Planète Atys Portail de la Planète AtysTribus
Portail des Fyros Portail des Fyros
Portail des Matis Portail des Matis
Portail des Kamis Portail des Kamis
Tribus des Sommets Verdoyants
Bagnards Dryades Embourbés Esclaves de la Sève Frères des Plantes Gardes-Frontières Graine Verte Matisagoo Matis Arides Mercenaires Écarlates Pillards du Désert Puisatiers Sève Sacrée
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