Si comme moi vous n'aimez pas trop le spam, il suffit de modifier les deux lignes de messages d'event (dit de broadcast).
Malheureusement, on ne peut pas forcer la couleur dans ce cas là (enfin plutôt, les messages d'event peuvent écraser la couleur s'ils le souhaitent). On va donc modifier ces deux lignes :

   "BC", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Broadcast messages
   "TAGBC", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Taged broadcast messages : color should remain white as some word are tagged

Le C/C complet, pour ceux qui ont la flemme :

SystemInfoColors =
// OLD STUFF Here for compatibility
"RG", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
"BC", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
"JA", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
"BL", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
"VE", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
"VI", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error

// NEW System Info Categories
"SYS", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Default system messages
"BC", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Broadcast messages
"TAGBC", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Taged broadcast messages : color should remain white as some word are tagged
"XP", "255 255 64 255 over", // XP Gain
"SP", "255 255 64 255 over", // SP Gain
"TTL", "255 255 64 255 over", // Title
"TSK", "255 255 255 255 over", // Task
"ZON", "255 255 255 255 center", // Zone
"DG", "255 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me
"DMG", "255 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me
"DGP", "200 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me from player
"DGM", "255 128 64 255 normal", // Damage from me
"MIS", "150 150 150 255 normal", // The opponent misses
"MISM", "255 255 255 255 normal", // I miss
"ITM", "0 200 0 255 over", // Item
"ITMO", "170 170 255 255 overonly", // Item other in group
"ITMF", "220 0 220 255 over", // Item failed
"SPL", "50 50 250 255 normal", // Spell to me
"SPLM", "50 150 250 255 normal", // Spell from me
"EMT", "255 150 150 255 normal", // Emote
"MTD", "255 255 0 255 over", // Message Of The Day
"FORLD","64 255 64 255 overonly", // Forage Locate Deposit
"CHK", "255 120 60 255 center", // Tous ce qui ne remplit pas une condition
"CHKCB","255 255 0 255 center", // Tous ce qui ne remplit pas une condition en combat (trop loin, cible invalide, pas assez de mana, etc.)
"PVPTM","255 120 60 255 overonly", // PVP timer
"THM", "255 255 64 255 over", // Thema finished
"AMB", "255 255 64 255 center", // Ambiance
"ISE", "192 208 255 255 normal", // Item special effect
"ISE2", "192 208 255 255 center", // Item special effect with center text (for effects without flying text)
"OSM", "128 160 255 255 center", // Outpost state message
"AROUND","255 255 0 255 around", // Only in around channel
"R2_INVITE","0 255 0 255 around", // Ring invitation

Malheureusement, il n'est pas possible de complètement cacher une catégorie, il faudra donc quand même vivre avec les messages :)

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