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Gilga Be'Geffen aka Gilgameesh

"the one who has taken shelter"
Una, Frutor 25, 4th AC 2483
Gioel, Tamys
My Story

The early story
Too young to remember the atrocities of the Great Invasion, Gilga Be Geffen was himself alone, at just 8, in the vast undergound Prime Roots, where he was taken from his parents during the great escape.
Undaunted, and despite his young age, he continued his flight, hoping to find others who could help him to take shelter from the attack of kitins.
Unfortunately, in the depths of the Prime Roots, the kitins were not the only danger, so Gilga found himself having to flee in horror the huge predators present there.
In 2490 he escaped a deadly attack by a great Vorax thanks to the providential action of a group of Matis warriors who were, too, with their families, trying to reach the surface.
He was adopted by the group and it was thanks to them that, in 2525, he reached the tunnel that would lead him to the surface, to safety.
The farewell by Matis warriors, after many years living with them, was really moving.

Lordoi, Matisians
- You are big enough now, Gilga, in order to finish your journey alone - Parlo Riviccio said solemnly, looking into his eyes with pride, the hand on the little tryker left shoulder.
- But I do not want to go away alone! Why do you want to leave me? - Gilga said, with his eyes moist.
- I know how to fight now, and I will do to defend all of you! - concluded, waving his little dagger.
- Dear Gilga - said the beautiful Carlia Berini, with her warm and persuasive voice - our journey is still long, but it is right for you to reach your people now -
She smiled with her sad eyes, and stooped to give a caress to the little tryker.
- Our people and your - said Parlo - are friends now. The dark days that you cannot remember are far away, but ... - added, looking far away, - the new beginning is just... beginning, and the future is still unclear to us all -
Gilga stirred, remembering the old stories heard as a child, when the Matis enslaved his people.
- But, be quiet, small tryker - concluded Parlo - the past will not return. Anyway it is right that you go to your people and grow up according to their morals. When the future will, we will meet again -
He smiled, but his tone was so definitive Gilga could do nothing but prepare his backpack for his last journey.
- I go by my people, but they will know me only as Gilgameesh, the one who has taken shelter -
- Goodbye - Gilga concluded, this time with pride, and walked toward a future still unknown.

The new beginning

Gilgameesh arrived the Tria, Mystia 15, 1st AC 2523 at Barkdell, a small town that hosted the survivors from the old lands and the Prime Roots.
As a refugee, he soon found a way to learn the methods to survive in the new world. He understood that the new beginning was not easy.
The new lands were dangerous and Kitins had not been defeated completely. We had to rebuild...
It was during one of his first explorations when he met, at Hobwelly, Isthara, she too being fled there after a long tiring journey.
Easy finding love in two hearts that had experienced the loneliness and seen up close in the shadow of death so many times.


Where the wind blows fast
Where the sea lies calm
High wooden towers forged
With the houses into water
The town of our future
with its dancing seeds
dreaming the voice of Jena

Lordoi, Matisians (reprise)

In 4th AC 2523, during a hunt, Gilgameesh met Simone, a matis warrior exploring the lands of Tryker.
Great was the joy of Gilgameesh, despite the initial suspicion of the matis.
He told him about his past and how he survived the Great Swarming with the help of the glorious group led by Parlo Riviccio.
- It was, indeed, a truly noble gesture - said Simone - and I gladly consider your friendship towards us Matis a good thing -
- In these dark times even - winked Gilgameesh - it is hard to know where is the good - He sighed.
- Trikers are doubtful, although the era of peace, and many follow the will of Ma-Duk, while others are illuminated by Jena - he continued, looking around warily, - I have never had any doubts, Jena is the light - concluded convinced.
It was through these words that Simone offered to Gilgameesh a permanent position in his group. If he wanted, Gilgameesh could live in close contact with the Matis, without denying the tryker people.
And he did. From that distant day, Gilgameesh became a member, with full rights, of the guild Legion of Atys, a glorious guild Matis, so glorious to be numbered in its ranks by members of all races homins.

Late story

The arrival of the Guild of Elias brought great confusion among all the races and culminated with the war between the Karavan and the Kami.
Gilgameesh, while loving viscerally Jena, did not participate in the war. His mind was confused and uncertain about what to do.
The war seemed unfair and would have divided the homins, distracting them from the great work still in progress: the reconstruction.
So many cubes still missing, how much knowledge lost! And how many Kitins had been around so menacing in the new lands!
Unfortunately, the call to arms was inevitable, even after the official end of the war.
Atys resources are too important to let them fall into enemy hands!
Nevertheless, and despite today has become a master in many disciplines, able to face the wild world by himself, Gilgameesh has always tried to maintain a good attitude with all the homins, even the enemies, taking an aggressive stance only when required by guild members or by the Great Karavan Alliance.

The Second Swarming

Trying to remove definitely the hominkind from Atys, the Kitins did a devastating attack against all homin races. Gilgameesh and his friends had only one choice: escape. With the help of the Kami and the Karavan, Gilgameesh was able to escape a certain death but, during that chaotic times, a lot of friends were lost. After surviving in the Kami Oasis, all homins were able, once the kitins retired into the Prime Roots, to return to home and try to rebuild their towns.
Legion of Atys was lost so Gilgameesh decided, with few other homins, to rebuild a new guild, Silvae Custodes. Always closed linked to Matis, the small tryker built his new group in the forest, but preserving his tryker origins establishing a personal home to Avendale.
Having lost almost everything but his skills and experience, Gilgameesh decided to totally stop any aggressive behaviour, even if the name of Jena was involved.
He loves hominkind and something from the past is opening his mind. Both Kami and Karavans have their faults, but Karavans still seems closely linked to the homin fate. For these reasons, Gilgameesh will continue to follow Jena, but his priorities will be always all the homins of Atys.

A new life

After some year spent in solitude, Gilgameesh met Anders, one of the old Legion of Atys member, in Crystabell. The meet was awesome and they spent a lot of time remembering the old days...
So, Gilgameesh left Silvae Custodes in the right hands of his child, Tamys, and rejoined Legion of Atys, enjoying the return of old friends in the new lands.