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Compagnie de l'Arbre Eternel
Continent Pays Malade et Primes Racines
Composition Multiraciale
Faction Kami
Ennemis Karavan, Kuilde



Leurs campements se situent dans le Pays Malade, plus particulièrement dans le Havre de Pureté, ainsi que sur le Nexus.





La tribu a été fondé en 2364 par Mai Loo-Kai, afin de préserver la pureté de la foi Kami.

Cette tribu s'est reconstituée en 2483 à la suite de l'exploration du Pays Malade. C'est la tribu la plus proche des Kamis. En effet, les Kamis n'hésitent pas à donner de hautes responsabilités aux membres de cette tribu désignés comme les Fidèles Kamis. Vous pourrez surement en recontrer près des Autels Kamis.


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From EN: to trad & concat

en:Company of the Eternal Tree
fr:Compagnie de l'Arbre Eternel
Tribus d'Atys
Camp Compagnie de l'Arbre Eternel
Compagnie de l'Arbre Eternel
Race(s): All
Religion: Kami
Emplacement: Haven of Purity and Nexus (carte)

The Company of the Eternal Tree is a tribe of devout Kami followers from all 4 homin races. Of all the many tribes aligned to the Kami, the Company of the Eternal Tree most directly follows and supports the Kami. As such, it's members can be found alongside Kami all over Atys, assisting the Kami in maintaining and guarding their altars and sanctuaries. Their main camps however are in Haven of Purity and in Nexus, and welcome visitors of all races as long as they do not oppose the Kami.


From "Zoraï History, the New Beginning":

Witherings explored. Great sage, Fung-Tun, directs Zorai leader, Hoi-Cho, to a place of high magnetism where the capital city of Zora is raised.
Company of the Eternal Tree, an Ancient pro-Kami tribe, reformed.

Thus it appears, as would be expected for such an important tribe, that the Company of the Eternal Tree has been around since long before the Great Swarming and was immediately reinstated as soon as homins arrived in the New Lands.



Fyros -16
Matis +16
Tryker -16
Zoraï +50

Tribe Members

Be-Pian Biani, Tribe Chief of the Company of the Eternal Tree

Campsite (Haven of Purity)

The Company of the Eternal Tree´s camp in Nexus

Campsite (Nexus)

Wandering the region (Haven of Purity)

Wandering the region (Nexus)


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