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de:Brunnengräber en:Oasis Diggers es:Excavadores de Oasis fr:Puisatiers ru:Копатели Оазиса

Ambre: Tribus d'Atys

à proximité des chutes de Virginia, au nord.
Sous-Continent Sommets Verdoyants
Région Source Cachée
Race(s) Fyros
Faction Karavan
Notables Icanix Cegrips, chef de la tribu
Amis Karavan
Ennemis Matis, Karavan



The Oasis Diggers [1] are an amiable tribe of Fyros who live in the desert of Hidden Source, within the lands of the Matis kingdom but still close to the border of the Fyros homelands in the Burning Desert. Unlike the Woven Bridles, another tribe of Fyros living in the same region, they do need seek to conquer the Hidden Source for the Fyros. Thus they are at peace with the Matis government as well as with their neighbouring tribe The Arid Matis, and they welcome all homins into their camp. The Oasis Diggers follow the Karavan, but still remain allies of the Fyros empire.

Tribe Members



En mission dans la région




Renommée des peuples par défaut

Fyros +50
Matis 0
Tryker +33
Zoraï +50

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Dernière version 2021-10-06•
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Portail de la Karavan Portail de la Karavan
Tribus des Sommets Verdoyants
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  1. On Leanon and Aniro the Oasis Diggers were known as the "Well-diggers", which makes it clear their name does not suggest they dig at oases, but rather that they dig oases.
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