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La dernière édition était de Lanstiril le 2016-11-19.


Avant de vous lancer...

Il n'y a pas de niveau général dans Ryzom. Votre niveau (celui, plus précisément, du personnage que vous jouez) dans chacune des compétences est affiché dans la fenêtre ACTIONS (touche B par défaut). Lorsque quelqu'un vous demande votre niveau, il s'agit du niveau de votre personnage dans la compétence alors utilisée ou discutée.

Il n'y a aucune classe, aucune restriction, dans Ryzom ! Tout personnage peut acquérir et utiliser n'importe laquelle, ou l'ensemble, des compétences disponibles dans le jeu. Aucune des races d'Atys ne bénéficie d'avantage dans aucune de ces compétences, sauf du point de vue du roleplay. La race de votre personnage n'affecte en rien votre gameplay.

Voir le Manuel de l'utilisateur de Ryzom.

Trucs & astuces

Ceci vaut tout particulièrement pour la mission d'initiation à la Magie qui demande d'enraciner les Javings pour les tuer. L'enracinement ne cause aucun dégât en lui même, il tient seulement les Javings à distance, de sorte qu'ils ne peuvent ni vous toucher, ni vous désarmer.
La mécanique est identique pour les missions demandant de récupérer XX objets sur une créature morte : là encore un seul équipier choisi au hasard recevra l'objet récupéré sur la créature morte et l'équipe devra continuer à tuer jusqu'à ce que tous les équipiers aient réuni la totalité des objets requis.
Pour ce faire, parlez à Chiang le Fort et sélectionnez dernière mission de la liste qu'il vous propose (Leave for the capital city). Attention, cependant : vous ne pourrez quitter Silan si l'une des missions à vous confiées par Chiang le Fort demeure inachevée. Sur Silan, en effet, on ne peut recevoir d'un même PNJ qu'une mission à la fois et Leave for the capital city est une mission.

Carte légendée de Silan

Attention ! N'allez pas plus loin si vous ne voulez pas vous priver du plaisir de la découverte. Vous trouverez par moments Ryzom difficile à appréhender mais il vaut la peine que vous vous donnerez à le découvrir par vous même, avec un peu d'aide de la part de vos compagnons de jeu. C'est pourquoi il vous est recommandé de n'utiliser les guides ci-dessous que comme références ou si vous vous trouvez absolument bloqué !

Le texte ci-dessous contient un spoiler. Pour voir la partie occultée, cliquer sur Afficher
Carte légendée de Silan
L'île de Silan
[01] - Chiang Le Fort et point de résurrection
[02] - Guilan Guiter (et, non loin d'elle, un entraîneur de Combattants ainsi que trois marchands d'armes de mêlée)
[03] - Nomis Merclao (et, près de lui, un entraîneur de Magiciens)
[04] - Sterga Hamla (et, non loin de lui, un entraîneur d'Artisans ainsi que trois marchands d'armure)
[05] - Milles Dodoine (et, près d'elle, un entraîneur de Récolteurs ainsi qu'un marchand de bijoux)
[06] - Be'Tooly (et, près de lui, un marchand d'outils)
[07] - Guide Kami et point de résurrection
[08] - Officier de communication de la Karavan
[09] - Téléport de la Karavan
[10] - Kami du lac et point de résurrection
[11] - Arken
[12] - Bandit spécialiste
[13] - Reitzak
[14] - Gisement de fine ambre Zun
[15] - Gisements de fin bois de Motega, fine graine de Sarina et fine ambre Hash
[16] - Repaire des ragus
[17] - Colline aux yelks
[18] - Entrée du tunnel de la jungle
[19] - Sortie du tunnel de la jungle
[20] - Kirosta dominant

Guide des missions de Silan

Attention ! Lorsque vous vous chargez d'une mission, écoutez (lisez) attentivement celui ou celle qui vous la confie ! Comme il n'y a aucun moyen de lui faire répéter ses dires, vous risquez sinon de manquer des informations importantes.

Le texte ci-dessous contient un spoiler. Pour voir la partie occultée, cliquer sur Afficher

Missions de formation

Missions de combattants

Hunters and Prey

Hunters and Prey #1


  • Kill 3 Suckling Yubos
  • Speak to Guilan Guiter
  • Speak to Utehes Isy (Fighter Trainer)

Tips: Suckling yubos can be found all around the ranger camp. Pay attention to Guilan's lesson about different fighting techniques, and use this opportunity to compare them. Reward:

  • 3000xp
  • 1500 Dapper
Hunters and Prey #2


  • Find Suckling Bodocs
  • Stay hidden in the bushes for 15 seconds
  • Find Weanling Yubos
  • Stay hidden in the bushes for 15 seconds
  • Speak to Guilan Guiter

Tips: Information you receive on the various creatures you track: Bodocs: Large herbivores with a thick skin, Bodocs have a peaceful but strong appearance. Yubos: Small and fairly slow, Yubos are omnivores, they appear quiet and playful. OLD All you have to do is to select one of each type as your target. Suckling Bodocs, Weanling Bodocs and Weanling Yubos are found in the Hunting Grounds, Weeny Ragus are aggro and are found at [16].


  • 6000xp
  • 3000 Dapper
Hunters and Prey #3


  • Loot 8 Plain Forest Bodoc Meat of at least quality 6 from a dead creature
  • Give the meat to Guilan Guiter

Tips: Note "at least" quality 6 - a higher quality will be accepted. OLD Bodoc Meat is a quest item and is obtained from any type of Bodoc found in the Hunting Grounds.


  • 12000xp
  • 4000 Dapper
Hunters and Prey #4


  • Go to the eastern edge of the Hunting Grounds, and find the predator which killed the Bodoc.
  • Kill 5 Weeny Raguses
  • Speak to Guilan Guiter

Tips: If you have trouble hitting the raguses using melee, try using your Accurate Attack. OLD Weeny Ragus are aggro and are found at [16].


  • 9000xp
  • q15 Ballast Axe (1H axe)



  • Go the Shattered Ruins
  • Kill 10 New-Born Javings
  • Speak to Guilan

Tips: Javings frequently disarm their opponents (that means you). Be prepared to re-select your weapon AND wait for your character to re-arm themselves. OLD New-born Javings are aggro, can disarm you and are found east and north-east of the Ruins of Silan, in the forest.


  • 15000xp
  • q20 Duellist Blade (1h sword)

The Red Blades

The Red Blades #1


  • Kill the Goo Heads Looters in the ruins, until you find the Bandit Plan
  • Speak to Guilan

Tips: The Bandit Plan item will appear in your bag on its own - you don't need to loot. Look out for a green message telling you that you've received it. OLD The Bandits' Plan is a quest item and is obtained from Chlorogoo Looters. They are are aggro, social, come in groups of four and are found the middle of the Ruins of Silan. You need to kill 1-2 of them until you get the Bandit's plan.


  • 18000xp
  • q30 Apprentice's Protector (shield)
The Red Blades #2


  • Find and kill Arken

Tips: Arken is a challenge - you will almost certainly need a team. The easiest way of killing him is to wait until he walks to the edge of his group of guards, taunt him, and run about 70m away before you start killing him. That way, with any luck, you only have to kill him, not his guards. Each time Arken is killed, only one team member gets quest update; possibly the one who landed the first hit on him. OLD Arken is found at [11] and has 5 Chlorogoo Looters with him, all of them being aggro and social. Ask in /region and get a group.


  • 25000xp
  • q45 Fire and Wrath (2h flaming sword)

Missions de magiciens

First steps in magic

First steps in magic #1


  • Kill 3 Suckling Yubos
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao

Tips: Suckling yubos can be found all around the ranger camp.


  • 3500xp
First steps in magic #2


  • Go to the Training Area
  • Break 4 Jars within 60 seconds, using the acid spell
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao

  • Find the crying child (Nethsael)
  • Talk to Nethsael
  • Save your butt! Kill the bandits!
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao

Tips: Use this opportunity to test the differences between casting with and without your magic amplifiers equipped. There is a time limit on breaking the jars, though, so don't spend too long experimenting or you have to start killing them all over again!

The crying child can be found on the cliff to the south of the camp. There are no wrong responses in the conversation you have with him.


  • 8000xp
First steps in magic #3


  • Go and see the magic trainer (optional)
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao


  • 3000xp
  • 1500 Dapper

Birth of a Magician

Birth of a magician #1


  • Train up to magic level 10, and buy a level 2 attack spell from the trainer (acid or cold)
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao
  • Practise editing your spell actions
  • Speak to Nomis Merclao


  • 5000xp
Birth of a magician #2

{{Spoil_Here Objectives:

| Tips: Although a team may be useful, it is not required. OLD Weaned Rendors are found south and south-east of the Ruins of Silan, in the forest.



Birth of a magician #3


  • Kill 10 New-born Javings
  • Speak to Nomis
  • Buy the Rot spell from the magic trainer
  • Speak to Nomis

Tips: Javings often disarm their opponents (this means you). That includes magic amplifiers. Not using amplifiers on them will be slower, but can still be done. Remember that re-arming will take time during which you will not be able to cast. OLD New-born Javings are aggro, can disarm and are found east and north-east of the Ruins of Silan, in the forest.


  • 10000xp
  • q25 Apprentice Dress (caster pants/skirt)

In the service of a people

In the service of a people #1


  • Kill 10 Peaceful Slavenis
  • Speak to Nomis

Tips: Make sure you're killing Peaceful Slavenis - not Placid ones. OLD Peaceful Slavenis are found east of the Ruins of Silan, near the forest.


  • 10000xp
  • q25 Apprentice Gown (light vest)
In the service of a people #2


  • Buy the Fear spell from the trainer
  • Go to the Ruins
  • Loot 10 x Basic Yelk Mushroom, at least q10
  • Give the mushrooms to Nomis

Tips: If you just kill the yelks, they give off deadly gas much like dig sources can - but if they are under the influence of a fear spell when they die, no gas. Unfortunately, low level fear spells don't last long, so be ready to run (the gas does about 50HP damage per tick). OLD Basic Yelk Mushroom is looted from Yelks that are found in and near the Ruins of Silan. Warning: Yelks have an AoE poison gas that is released after they are killed. This is the reason that Fear is a requirement for this quest. The Yelks will not release the AoE poison if they are feared at the moment of death. Protip: If you're working on Melee and Magic both anyway, melee the Yelks using a Stanza that includes Increased Damage 2. Melee them with it until they are at around 30% health, then use a Stanza that includes Fear. You should be able to kill them before they run out of range with one more use of the Increased Damage 2 Stanza, causing them to flop down dead within 3-5 meters of you. This is an excellent way to reduce downtime between Yelk Kills. As a side benefit, the Harvesters gathered on Yelk Hill will send you fewer hateful tells for killing a Yelk on top of them. :)


  • 32000xp
  • q30 Freezing Touch (magic amplifiers)
In the service of a people #3


  • Kill 10 Puny Gingos
  • Speak to Nomis

Tips: Gingos are very aggressive, fast moving, and move around a lot. Watch for adds. OLD Puny Gingos are aggro and are found around the Throne Room.


  • 13000xp
  • q40 Icy Touch (Magic Amplifiers)

Missions d'artisans

Mission 1

Mission 1.1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tellus tempus ipsum phasellus nam non, facilisi mauris aptent, sit nam penatibus . Lanstiril aliquam vestibulum blandit faucibus tortor. Dignissim egestas erat, bibendum etiam libero suspendisse nisl facilisis, mauris malesuada cum. Nilstilar aut sem, purus felis lorem justo vel, a nulla eget praesent feugiat integer congue. Etiam sed habitasse, itaque elit nibh vel senectus. A justo aliquam quis sed, ipsum integer metus mauris sit ad et, et nunc morbi diam vitae vel gravida, amet arcu sapien nulla.

Missions de récolteurs

Mission 1

Mission 1.1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tellus tempus ipsum phasellus nam non, facilisi mauris aptent, sit nam penatibus . Lanstiril aliquam vestibulum blandit faucibus tortor. Dignissim egestas erat, bibendum etiam libero suspendisse nisl facilisis, mauris malesuada cum. Nilstilar aut sem, purus felis lorem justo vel, a nulla eget praesent feugiat integer congue. Etiam sed habitasse, itaque elit nibh vel senectus. A justo aliquam quis sed, ipsum integer metus mauris sit ad et, et nunc morbi diam vitae vel gravida, amet arcu sapien nulla.

Missions de faction

Missions des Kamis

Mission 1

Mission 1.1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tellus tempus ipsum phasellus nam non, facilisi mauris aptent, sit nam penatibus . Lanstiril aliquam vestibulum blandit faucibus tortor. Dignissim egestas erat, bibendum etiam libero suspendisse nisl facilisis, mauris malesuada cum. Nilstilar aut sem, purus felis lorem justo vel, a nulla eget praesent feugiat integer congue. Etiam sed habitasse, itaque elit nibh vel senectus. A justo aliquam quis sed, ipsum integer metus mauris sit ad et, et nunc morbi diam vitae vel gravida, amet arcu sapien nulla.

Missions de la Karavan

Mission 1

Mission 1.1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tellus tempus ipsum phasellus nam non, facilisi mauris aptent, sit nam penatibus . Lanstiril aliquam vestibulum blandit faucibus tortor. Dignissim egestas erat, bibendum etiam libero suspendisse nisl facilisis, mauris malesuada cum. Nilstilar aut sem, purus felis lorem justo vel, a nulla eget praesent feugiat integer congue. Etiam sed habitasse, itaque elit nibh vel senectus. A justo aliquam quis sed, ipsum integer metus mauris sit ad et, et nunc morbi diam vitae vel gravida, amet arcu sapien nulla.

Missions avancées

Missions de Chiang Le Fort

Mission 1

Mission 1.1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tellus tempus ipsum phasellus nam non, facilisi mauris aptent, sit nam penatibus . Lanstiril aliquam vestibulum blandit faucibus tortor. Dignissim egestas erat, bibendum etiam libero suspendisse nisl facilisis, mauris malesuada cum. Nilstilar aut sem, purus felis lorem justo vel, a nulla eget praesent feugiat integer congue. Etiam sed habitasse, itaque elit nibh vel senectus. A justo aliquam quis sed, ipsum integer metus mauris sit ad et, et nunc morbi diam vitae vel gravida, amet arcu sapien nulla.

Quitter Silan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tellus tempus ipsum phasellus nam non, facilisi mauris aptent, sit nam penatibus . Lanstiril aliquam vestibulum blandit faucibus tortor. Dignissim egestas erat, bibendum etiam libero suspendisse nisl facilisis, mauris malesuada cum. Nilstilar aut sem, purus felis lorem justo vel, a nulla eget praesent feugiat integer congue. Etiam sed habitasse, itaque elit nibh vel senectus. A justo aliquam quis sed, ipsum integer metus mauris sit ad et, et nunc morbi diam vitae vel gravida, amet arcu sapien nulla.

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