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Il y a actuellement 89 articles dans la Ryzom, le jeu.
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Ryzom, le jeu

Ce portail a pour but de fournir les indications «Hors Jeu de Rôle» sur les règles de la communauté, les aides et les informations techniques que l’on peut trouver, sur l’animation et son bénévolat, sur la gestion et la participation dans ce wiki...

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Créée en 2000, Nevrax a developpé le moteur Nel (Nevrax Library) pour le jeu "The Saga Of Ryzom" en C++.

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Sites Internet

Gameforge Takes Over the MMOG "The Saga of Ryzom" - Takeover of the Entire Business Operations of the Nevrax Developer Studio

Gameforge Takes Over the MMOG "The Saga of Ryzom" - Takeover of the Entire Business Operations of the Nevrax Developer Studio

KARLSRUHE, Germany, December 22 -- Gameforge AG, game developers in Karlsruhe, Germany, are taking over "The Saga of Ryzom" (www.ryzom.de) as well as the French developer studio Nevrax. The business operations will be transferred to the newly founded Gameforge SARL, headquartered in Paris, which will become a 100% sister company of Gameforge AG.

Nevrax has been developing and operating "The Saga of Ryzom", the first third generation client-based MMOG. This game differs from other games by its innovative concept and the individual world it creates. This fantasy game has a loyal group of followers in its German, English and French localized version and has become one of the fixtures in the MMOG scene.

"The Saga of Ryzom" is a fantastic game with enormous potential. "We gambled and took over an excellent product as well as qualified employees. In addition, we opened an office in France, one of our most important markets. We just had to do it," says Klaas Kersting, CEO and founder of Gameforge AG.

Gameforge AG has a base community of more than 4.5 million active players worldwide, thus offering a solid start point for "The Saga of Ryzom". Gameforge's subsidiary Gameforge 4D is already an active publisher of MMOG.

"We will work hard in cooperation with our future employees on further developing the game and offering our players a truly fantastic product in the process. Our competencies in community management, marketing and publishing benefit this project greatly," states Kersting.

Klaas Kersting, GameForge Site



Episode 1: "Atys"

L'épisode 1 de The Saga of Ryzom prend place sur la planète vivante Atys, aux confins de l'univers, où quatre civilisations tentent de soigner les blessures d'une tragédie apocalyptique.

Il y a trois générations de cela, les grandes civilisations d'Atys périrent durant le Grand Essaim sous les assauts de hordes kitins, balayant les galeries souterraines et marquant le début de la guerre, puis du génocide. Un grand savoir fut perdu au cours de cette fuite mais le temps est maintenant venu de vous réapproprier votre héritage !

Joignez vos forces avec des milliers d'autres homins, maîtrisez l'art de la magie, de la guerre et de l'artisanat et forgez à nouveau le destin de votre peuple !

Dernière version 2022-04-09•
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Les principaux portails du Wiki de Ryzom

Ryzom: La LoreLe JeuHRP
Atys: Le monde d'AtysFloreFaune
Nations: FyrosMatisTrykerZoraï
Factions: KamiKaravanMaraudeursRangersTrytonistes

L'encyclopédie: Les Chroniques d'AtysLa Grande BibliothèqueLes arcanesHRP
Récupérée de « https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/w/index.php?title=Portail:Jeu&oldid=20860 »