Hello volunteer and thanks in advance!
This will be your guide to merging the old official Lore Wiki and the Ryzom Wiki (this wiki).
You can find all imported pages in Catégorie:WikiImportation.
We have imported all the pages on the old official Lore Wiki into this Wiki. Now there are several things to consider and you can help! Since we want to really merge both wikis to become one, just importing is not enough. There is much duplicated information present since some of the official lore was already copied here years ago. Other things are missing completely or should be part of already existing articles.
Many page names are prefixed which detemines their origin on the old official Lore Wiki.
prefix | origin |
L_ | Lore |
C_ | Chronicles of Atys |
CE_ | Chronicles of Erlan |
TJ_ | ? |
RG_ | ? |
Unfortunately not all pages have a prefix and therefore may belong to any section. We suggest to crossreference the old official Lore Wiki at http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/pubfr.
On the old official Lore Wiki, there were quite some pages that had no content at all, except for a "coming soon" placeholder. You can ignore these pages, since we will remove them. The idea is to leave missing pages as red-links (page not existing) instead of luring people in just to find out that there is nothing there. You can identify these pages easily since they will most of the time just contain:
Long story short, keep linking to those missing pages but don't create "empty" pages!
The imported pages will find a new home in one of the big categories you'll find under "Thématique" on the Accueil; either as new articles or as additions to already existing pages.
You can find all imported pages in Catégorie:WikiImportation.
You may edit the imported pages right where they are in order to "bugfix" them since we could not import the formatting flawlessly.
Please do not move the pages directly. The imported pages names with the prefixes are not what we'd like to have. Some page names are also shortened. We won't do that either. You can create a new page on the desired destination and copy the content there. Once the merge is done, we will delete all the temporary imported pages!
There are also many pages that are split into parts. We'd like to have those pages as one page! You can use headlines to section the article into parts instead of creating a new page for each.
Since we are providing the wiki in different languages, all images have been moved to a seperate wiki that is our media repository. You can use images uploaded there normally using the [[Image:]]
markup. We did not import any images that were used on the old official Lore Wiki. The reason for this are mainly naming conflicts with already existing files. If you want to use the missing images, you'll have to upload them to the media repository wiki.
Of course all new pages will have to be categorized. Please don't just create new pages an link them together but also add them to their respective categories.
Since we have three wikis, one for each language, it would be cool if you could mark the pages with interwiki tags. This looks like this for the Accueil:
[[de:Hauptseite]] [[en:Main_Page]]
You see, the equivalent pages in the other languages are added just like categories. This allows users to change the language of an Article while viewing it (just like Wikipedia does).
Basically there are three ways of getting helped.